
Hello, my name is Stephanie Forcier, a thousand welcomes!   I am so happy you are here!

I entered this world an explorer, a questioner, a being ready to take the journey of her infinite self. However, like so many, I struggled to find my way, my truth, my place. I did not always know what I wanted to do, yet I knew there existed a pure part of my being that had no limits. For a long while, I thought this had to be something specific. Like all who are here on this planet now, I was exposed to many programs, distractions, traps of the mind; making me believe I had to be a certain way instead of being who I really was inside. The exposure to this system of control continues…this artificial matrix…but I have shifted. I remember who I am and I am aligned with my heart, my soul, and my essence. And, if you have read this far, you too have remembered. I am infinite, and so are you.

Strap yourselves in, it’s time to make the jump!

Working with Stephanie means asking the juicy questions. Who are we? Why are we here? Why now? What is now? Be willing to show up on behalf of yourself…your sovereign and infinite nature. Be willing to let go “reality”and step into your mystery. This is not simply about what roles you play in life, who you were in one of your past lives, or who your spirit guide is. This is about ALL of who you are, your co-creative forces, the totality of your experiences…that YOU are your spirit’s guide.

I am infinite. What does it mean to be infinite? (pause here and really explore this)

It’s an exploration, a journey.

I have explored many paths, beginning with being born into Christianity as a minister’s daughter. My questions not being answered there, I looked to other religions, then to the new age movement where I explored the Akashic Records, Reiki, Oneness, Holographic Re-patterning to name a few. Again, all of them, wonderful and amazing teachers. And all of them including a sign-post that led me right back to my heart-soul essence. In the past year, I have ceased turning to processes, certifications, and anything that encourages me to get something from external of myself. I have realized that everything is within me.

My clients started changing; it was the first thing I noticed. They asked more questions and deeper questions, they shared more authentically and they showed me that they were discerning. We could both feel when we were onto something true, and feel when we were being misled. Everything that I thought I believed was thrown up into the cosmos and suspended in gentle, subtle animation. I could look at what I thought I knew with new perspective and wisdom. Most clearly, I began to understand my infinity…to honor the integration of all that am, rather than reject, release or discard. My light, my dark…all of it represents my sovereign nature, my wisdom and my infinity.

From Inner Wisdom to Infinite Forcier

Prior to Infinite Forcier, I expressed myself through my business, Inner Wisdom Evolution. I was on to something…I knew it was my inner wisdom and my constant evolution that held the key. However, the name was thought up by someone else, and while wonderful, it was not my own. I integrated that lesson, and now, Infinite Forcier is ALL of ME. I can’t put my finger on it exactly, and that is perfect! It’s time to travel freely, infinitely, exploring the seen and unseen, being adventurous and having a lot of fun.

It’s No Secret.

I love Star Wars. I have since I was a child. I held on to the mystery and wonder of our galaxy, of the Universe, when everything going on around me was so “weird”. I saw each of the originals countless times, and allowed myself to be carried away. I love Star Trek too. Stepping out into the unknown, making first contact, working together without violence. And in each saga, the challenges still present themselves. Bring balance to the Force. Honor the Prime Directive. Hierarchy, temptation. Yet, I knew, even as a child, we are not alone in this Universe. I didn’t need “science fantasy” to tell me that.

Be Bold.

Just because we can’t see something or prove it with “modern” science, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. We are absolutely not alone in this infinite Universe. To think that we are alone is a very clever little program put into place to keep us from realizing our infinite nature. As a client once whispered to me, “I’m not from here” (meaning Earth), my soul responded as I whispered back, “I know”. The time is here for humanity to reclaim our sovereign nature through our infinite expressions. Let’s bring all of who we are into our human expressions…and boldly go where no one has gone before.

May your infinite force be with you, Stephanie



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