Welcome & A New Birth

Welcome infinite and sovereign souls! It is with gratitude that I welcome you to my new website and blog: infiniteforcier! Hopefully you have had the chance to read about me, my services, and much more. Please bear with me as this site and my services continually evolve – it will be a gradual process as I have two young children at home that currently deserve oodles of Mom-tastic energy and time. Nevertheless, I look forward to continuing a grand journey on this Earth with you in a new and exciting way.

Stock Rose, Baby Rose, Flower, Blossom

Open to a true and sovereign journey!

You may or may not know my background, so I’ll briefly describe how my infinite self has ushered me to the present moment. I hope this will help to give some perspective; deepen your understanding.

Having a deep awareness of my soul and the belief that I was more than my corporeal physical state began at a very young age; as far back as I can remember. I was born into a Methodist minister’s family and was therefore exposed to religious doctrine at a very young age. It all sounded so nice when my parents would speak of it, but as I observed and asked more probing questions, the answers fell shorter and shorter. By the age of 12, I knew that this religious approach was not to be my path. I craved more. I felt the need to expand. To be perfectly honest, Christianity timelines seemed such a short time in which to place all belief of all life everywhere across this universe and beyond.

As I was attending college, I explored other religious belief systems, churches and doctrine. I found elements of what felt like truth in just about every one of them, but yet again, each one fell short and felt limited. I began to explore more esoteric concepts and metaphysics at this point. I had my first “psychic” reading; during which the practitioner read my mind. Truly experiencing someone with ESP opened up many doors to me, as well as many more questions about life, my existence, what I was capable of, and what others were capable of.

My journey took me into the realm of the Akashic Records, and here I did years of journeying and exploring. I began working with clients, teaching, offering sessions, events and workshops. I followed the methodical process for accessing those Records with much success. This part of my journey truly catapulted my soul. Although I have chosen to no longer utilize that particular access process, and my view of the Akashic Record has shifted, I commend and value the experience and connections that resulted out of this phase of my journey. I have integrated what my sovereign soul needed of the Akashic Records for the time being. (Stay tuned for a future article that goes into more depth on this topic.)

Fractal, Light, Light Fractal, Electric

Your soul is multi-dimensional.

Then it came time for me and my partner to start a family. Certainly I knew guiding a soul or two into this world would be more than simply physical transformation. Little did I realize how potently my life would shift. I know this is not the first time you have heard this – parents say it all the time. Motherhood, for me, however, transformed my whole approach to life and brought enormous upheaval into my spiritual life. I was not expecting such profound shifts. I am still sampling and savoring this new experience as we speak.

With the birth experience of my son, my entire cadre of spiritual beliefs were uprooted and heaved into the cosmos. The best way I can describe it is that it was as if the space all around me was fluidic or plasma-like and each belief was suspended nebulously in this plasma-space. I felt clear inside and could reach into this cosmos and look upon or experience each belief from a different angle. Many beliefs were transformed, some were re-integrated, and others are still handing out there for me to attend to in the most auspicious timing.

With the birth experience of my daughter, my will shifted. While I already felt strong-willed, with the birth of my daughter, literally, I roared my will into the world. I had such determination to birth her and while I asked my birth team for support, my will never doubted or faltered. Something within me…a sovereign being, a beast of truth…was awakened. And so with my journey I have been riding the crest of the wave of truth. Not my truth, not someone else’s truth, but objective truth and natural law. Oh, there is so much more to discuss with this, but that is for another article. Stay tuned.

Wave, Atlantic, Pacific, Ocean, Huge

Ride the crest of the wave.

What I know now is that I bring forth and offer my infinite self to humanity. I feel it is my moral obligation, but also remarkable privilege to gift truth to humanity. I can think of no greater deed or honor than to help humanity break the chains of mind-control, manipulation and enslavement that dictate our socially engineered experience. It’s what I came here to do. To help humanity realize and align with their infinite selves, then bear witness as they birth that self into this world, this reality, is the truest of blessings. Not a blessing given from some holier than thou God or guide or angel…but a blessing given from a person’s infinite self to their worldly self; their interface with this reality. Oh what a ride and what a delight! Thank you from my heart-soul essence, from my infinite self, from the grand experience of this creation. Come one, come all wisdom travelers. It is time.