
It is my pleasure to offer workshops, events, personal sessions, blog posts and more!

***Infinity Sessions***: This type of session encourages you to connect with, recognize and experience yourself as an infinite and sovereign being. The intention is to support you in aligning with your inherent power; realizing yourself as infinite. The challenge of these sessions occurs when we come up against false beliefs and mind control programs – what I refer to as the “toxic mimic” of your organic light and dark (shadow) nature. Due to the sophisticated nature of the programs and belief systems, realization and integration can pose great challenge – and, once the lesson is integrated – great freedom. Sessions are unique in that we may be working with information, energy, action, reflection or all of these factors. Regardless, the heart of these sessions is YOU, your infinite self, no beginning, no end, infinite and remarkable.

Infinity sessions are offered for 1 hour/$100. Sessions are offered via Skype or Zoom (or if local to Kansas City, check Stephanie’s Events page for special in person offerings). Effectiveness of sessions is not impacted by mode of communication. Please allow for at least 2 weeks for availability. Current scheduling available for weekends only.

Heads-up: These sessions are most effective when you step forward on their own behalf to request the session. You must be ready and open to tackle even the most challenging of issues: your shadow self, mind control programs and false belief systems. You, the client, are the leader, the teacher, the guru, the master and the healer of your heart-soul essence. You must be willing to journey in harmony with your mind and allowing your heart-soul essence take the lead. Stephanie simply offers a space of inspiration and co-creation where your infinite nature is honored and supported.